With Social Distancing, try #SocialMediaDistancing

Have you noticed how quickly you ‘like’, Retweet, Quote Tweet (Retweet with comment), comment and share posts on social media?

Yes! I understand this #lockdown, with its warnings on #SocialDistancing have brought you to consume more streaming media than ever before. I also understand that platforms like WhatsApp are wonderfully suited to share one rumour, fake news, meme, and prejudice from one group to another.

What do you end up doing then? While keeping your body from catching the contagious #COVID19 ailment, you’re letting your mind catch every virus of hate, loathing, bigotry, racism, chauvinism out there. There’s a reason “Virality” is a benchmark for digital and social media marketing.

And yes! I have found myself also sharing half-truths, unverified rumours masquerading as news, outright #FakeNews, as well as unfounded biases and narrow-minded xenophobia.

To what end? Notice the mob lynching of monks and assaults on doctors in the same neighborhood as of now attributed to WhatsApp rumors of them being child snatchers and traffickers.

Notice also, an international outrage on xenophobic hate speech which almost resulted in a diplomatic row. Not to mention, callous allegations and whatboutery that were exchanged when another bunch of preachers became identified as ‘super spreaders’ with a malevolent design, instead perhaps, of being ignored and confined as folks who didn’t comprehend or understand and follow instructions.

Here’s what I propose! Just as in following #COVID19 compliant good health practices, might help you from catching the virus, here’s what you can do to keep your mind healthy and your emotions unaffected by the social media “negativity” virus in these trying times.

Social Distancing Vs. Social Media Distancing

Let me explain. Just as you are supposed to avoid physical contact, wear gloves and masks when outdoors, when on social media, avoid social media arguments, wear your smiley face emojis on your replies. Similarly, just as you don’t touch your face with your hands, avoid touching your mouth, eyes, nose, you should also refrain from hitting the RT, like, share, comment buttons.

The global health authorities have gone to great extent, to show you how to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to keep them clean. I’d like to suggest that you watch an inspirational biography, meditate, chant for at least 20 minutes, at least once a day, to cleanse your senses.

And just as they advise you to avoid crowded places, even if you have gloves and mask on, maybe you could also avoid hate filled #Hashtags which are trending, and stop the share/ like/ engage reflex.

How about a 6-minute reaction rule? As they say, standing 6 feet away from the next person is the physical distance you need to maintain. How about witnessing your reactions to something provocative you saw, read, and heard? Remember, that 6-degree separation thing about social networks, and 6 seconds instinctive ‘friend or foe’ response? Take deep breath, count to 10, exhale and then react, if at all.

Of course, remember to clean and disinfect all common surfaces frequently. For social media, that means Unfollow and block all trolls especially those with blue ticks from your timelines. You don’t have to report them, the business algorithm of the platforms might do the trick.

Your mind and body are always in sync with each other. Your mental strength makes you flex your muscles and build your body. It’s about time, you spend some time building a mind which is adaptable, flexible, and resilient. Ask yourself just one question: what would I do if a person I hate on social media, and I are the only two survivors from a major disaster and we have to paddle together to reach a safe shore? Your answers will tell you what you need to do and think. Survive, Adapt and Thrive, and while you’re at it start practising Social Media Distancing.

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2 Responses to With Social Distancing, try #SocialMediaDistancing

  1. Budha Majumdar says:

    Agree wholeheartedly with all that!!
    Erudite, thoughtful, sensible and nuanced – as always.
    I would like to add: In addition to stocking up on dal, rice, dry beans, pasta etc, put aside some extra salt. We will need it for application to much of what we are hearing and seeing.

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